[Salon] US, Ukraine Looking for New Strategy in War With Russia


US, Ukraine Looking for New Strategy in War With Russia
The US is dispatching a three-star general to Kyiv for lengthy visits to serve as a military advisor
by Dave DeCamp


After Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive, US and Ukrainian officials are looking for a new strategy for the war against Russia as political leadership in both nations is determined to keep the conflict going.


The New York Times reported on the discussions and said the US wants a more conservative strategy of Ukraine holding the territory it currently controls and building up its forces. The US strategy also involves Ukraine building up its military-industrial complex to become less reliant on Western aid.


US officials told the Times that Ukrainian officials have unrealistic expectations of what the US can continue to provide. “They are asking for millions of rounds of artillery, for example, from Western stockpiles that do not exist,” the report reads. “American officials say Ukraine will have to fight on a tighter budget.”


The report said the Ukrainians are looking to go on the attack in some way to get the world’s attention. US officials are open to supporting more long-range Ukrainian attacks on Crimea, which always risk a major Russian escalation.


To form a new strategy, the US has been dispatching a three-star general to Kyiv to spend lengthy periods of time in the Ukrainian capital, breaking from the policy of not sending military advisors to Kyiv. Lt. Gen. Antonio A. Aguto Jr., who oversees support of Ukraine from a base in Germany, has taken on the role.


The report said the goal of the US strategy, known as “hold and build,” would be to create enough of a threat to Russia that Moscow would be open to negotiations either next year or in 2025. But from Russia’s perspective, time is on their side, as it’s clear the West’s war fatigue is growing.


The US and its closest NATO allies discouraged peace talks in the early days of Russia’s invasion that could have resulted in a complete Russian withdrawal from the territory it captured in exchange for Ukrainian neutrality. This was recently confirmed by David Arakhamia, a member of Ukraine’s parliament who led the Ukrainian delegation to Istanbul during peace talks with Russia in March 2022.


Arakhamia also confirmed that then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited Kyiv in April 2022 and told President Volodymyr Zelensky that even if Kyiv was ready to sign a deal with Moscow, Ukraine’s Western backers were not. “When we returned from Istanbul, Boris Johnson came to Kyiv and said that we would not sign anything with them at all, and let’s just fight,” Arakhamia said.


Now, Ukraine stands to lose much more in any future peace deal as Russia has annexed the territory it controls in the oblasts of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhia, and Kherson.


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